About the Stories

My writing journey started when I was 12 years old…or maybe 11…how old was I in fifth grade? I suppose it doesn’t really matter. Our class was assigned a project that required us to write a short story. Could be about anything we wanted, just had to be original.  My story came out to be twenty-seven pages (the limit for class was eight), and I was hooked. 

Eventually, I was introduced to stories like The Forever War, Dune, Ender’s Game; and later “modern” classics like Old Man’s War and Red Rising.  I was always a bit of a comic book guy, so these stories really resonated with my head-in-the-clouds imagination.  Truly, I think of writers like Joe Haldeman and John Scalzi as revolutionaries in the science fiction genre, and I want nothing more than to write stories in their vein. 

That’s where The Infinity Chronicles come in.  I first started writing this story when I was 13 years old, scribbling fight scenes on wide-ruled loose-leaf paper in the back of my trapper keeper (yes, I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s).  Back then it was a single volume, 144 pages once it was typed out on our old PC.  Fun fact: it was originally called Beyond Infinity, which I thought was a great title. Why did I change it? If you’ve ever seen Toy Story, you can probably guess. 

The next twenty-five years saw three major re-writes, with the last one starting in 2013 while driving with my in-laws to Myrtle beach for vacation. I hadn’t looked at the thing in ten years at that point. But for some reason, something just clicked during that drive, and the story just started to make sense in a lot of detailed ways. It’s been a bit of an obsession ever since (you can ask my wife – sorry, honey). Although, if you’ve ever had an idea that you just had to get out into the world, you’ll probably understand.

Now…finally…it’s ready. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I did writing it. Here’s to creativity.