What Does the Future Look Like?

Hi again,

It seems like a simple question, doesn’t it?  “What does the future look like?”

But the answer is anything but simple, and it really depends on what type of future you want to build. 

Most people probably see flying cars and R2D2.  But not us. 

Science fiction fans typically have the vision to see anything from technological utopias to post-apocalyptic wastelands.  It comes down to the questions the author has asked.  What have people done with their lives between now and then?  Have people flourished, or have we fallen prey to our own flaws and destroyed the world (or worlds) as we know it? 

The really good science fiction authors don’t limit themselves to any one type of future.  They see all the possibilities, and find ways to work all of them into their stories.  Imagine Star Wars without the grandeur of Cloud City, or without the desolation of Hoth.  Doesn’t seem like the same story, does it?

That’s why I like to take my characters to many different worlds: to explore the possibilities of the future. 

Are you ready to see it?