How Can These Stories Relate to Your Life?

Hello there,

I’ve always been fascinated by science fiction stories.  Whether that’s Star Wars, Ender’s Game, or even your weekly comic books, I’ve always been enthralled by the works of the fantastical side of our imaginations. 

Superhuman strength.

Otherworldly powers.

Epic interstellar battles.

These things consumed my thoughts on a daily basis. 

But those stories are a dime a dozen.  What makes the Infinity Chronicles different?

It’s a simple answer.  It’s the humanity of it.

Our characters aren’t just pawns on a chess board.  They have real life emotions – ones that you and I have both felt thousands of times – that make them relatable and engaging.  They are not just titans of the cosmos; they are also men and women that grapple with the same emotional faults that we all endure:





I challenge you to read these novels and not find a character that you relate to.  I don’t know all of you personally, at least not yet, but in general, there’s always someone that a reader can empathize with.  And that’s a good thing. 

All I ask is that you put yourself in these people’s shoes…go along for the ride…and experience the emotions as though you were living the revolution yourself. 

It’s not always going to be an easy journey.  But I think you’ll appreciate it in the end.

Tugging at your heart strings,
